C Jensen Jose
2 min readMay 29, 2021


Internet of Things (IoT) explained in 5 minutes

Until recently the internet was limited to devices like smartphones and laptops now with smart plugs and other smart devices becoming widely used it is possible to connect all these things to the internet and remotely control them. This means that in case you have left for your office but don’t remember turning the TV off then it will be possible to monitor and turn off the device using your phone itself and this concept of connecting everything to the internet and monitoring them is called as Internet of Things. It is simply a wide variety of devices interconnected to share data. In this case, the TV can share the data with your smartphone whether it is on or off.

To simply put it just as the internet allowed people to communicate and connect with each other IoT allows appliances to connect and share data. This means that it will be possible to set up your home in such a way that once the alarm clock goes off the coffee maker will know this and start preparing coffee without you having to make coffee.

Although IoT does help make our life a lot easier “Nothing on the internet is safe” and IoT is no exception. For example, let us imagine a situation in which there is a security breach in the organisation that helps you in connecting all your devices then it means that the person behind the attack can control all your devices and will leave your entire home vulnerable.

And as promised I have given you a basic understanding of IoT in five minutes. Let me know if there are any tech-related topics you would like to know more about. Have a good day.

